Nurturing Excellence, 塑造领导者:提升你在Schuldiner/Smollan领导力学院的影响力.

Attend NAEA’s exclusive leadership development program May 23-24, 2024年,并从NAEA领导层那里获得关于他们参与的见解,并学习如何加强对行业的参与. 的 Schuldiner/Smollan 领导 Academy (SSLA) is named for the two primary forces behind the creation of the National Association of Enrolled Agents; Syd Schuldiner, EA, served as NAEA’s first president in 1972 and David Smollan, EA, served as the second president in 1973. 该计划旨在培训志愿者,使他们成功地成为当地NAEA的领导者, 状态, 国家层面.

通过参加今年的舒尔迪纳/斯摩兰领导学院,探索如何参与进来. Open to NAEA members only.

This event has ended. 明年见!

的 SSLA is a member-only event.

Price to Attend: $50

NAEA Cancellation Policy

Tickets are non-refundable but are transferable to another member. Attendees can transfer tickets directly from their registration page. Transfers are accepted until May 10th. After that date, no transfers will be accepted. Exceptions are made on a case-by-case basis. If you require assistance, please contact or 202-822-6232 with any questions.

Limited space is available; a waitlist will be activated for those interested in attending should registration reach capacity.




早上7:30 - 8:00

咖啡 & 光吃早餐

早上8:00 - 8:50

欢迎 & 领导

上午8:50 - 9:50

History of NAEA/Affiliates

上午9:50 - 10:10


上午10:10 - 11:10


上午11:10 - 11:50


上午11:50 -下午1:15


下午1:15 - 3:00

Writing Reports and Other Documents



下午3:20 - 4:20

Financial Literacy for Board Members

下午4:20 - 5:00

Mock Committee Meeting Preparation




早上7:30 - 8:00

咖啡 & 光吃早餐

上午8:00 - 9:40

NAEA and Public Awareness

上午9:40 - 10:00


10:00 am – 11:40 am

领导 and Member 参与ment Challenges

上午11:40 -下午12:00

Wrap-Up: 的 Future of Our Association

Raven Deerwater, EA, PhD

Raven Deerwater EA,博士自1996年以来一直是加利福尼亚州门多西诺的税务从业人员. 他擅长于个人和家庭,尤其是独资经营者. A former mathematics teacher and trainer of mathematics teachers, 雷文与人合著了几本从4年级到12年级的教科书.

Raven has been President of six different non-profit Boards, 包括加州注册代理人协会(2012 - 2013)和CSEA北湾分会(2009 - 2010), receiving the highest service awards from four of these Boards. He most recently received the 2018 – 2019 NAEA EA Mentor of the Year. As Secretary/Treasurer and team leader with the Melos Institute, Raven一直在研究正式和非正式领导力培训对志愿者领导者的影响.

Raven holds an AB in Economics from Harvard University, an MAT in mathematics from the University of Chicago, and a PhD in 教育 (curriculum and instruction), also from the University of Chicago. He is a member of the National Association of Parliamentarians.

特里Durkin, EA, MBA

特里Durkin, EA, MBA是位于马尔伯勒的德金联合税务服务公司的负责人, 麻萨诸塞州. 她擅长个人、小企业和信托的报税准备和代理. Terry是NAEA的前任总裁,并于2011-2017年在NAEA董事会任职. 2012年,她因对NAEA的贡献和服务获得NAEA创始人奖. Terry is also an NTPI Fellow. In July 2014, she testified before the U.S. Congressional Subcommittee on Economic Growth, 税, and Capital Access at the hearing titled, Cash Accounting: A Simpler Method for Small Firms.

Terry是马萨诸塞州注册代理协会(MaSEA)的前任主席,并获得了MaSEA 2010年度EA奖. 她在耶鲁大学获得应用数学和计算机科学学士学位,并在纽约大学获得金融方向的工商管理硕士学位. In her spare time, Terry enjoys golfing.

Tynisa (Ty) Gaines, EA

Tynisa (Ty) Gaines EA, 是伊利诺斯大学工业组织心理学学士学位和特洛伊大学公共人事管理硕士学位的高素质专业人士. 自2007年以来,泰一直是全国注册代理协会(NAEA)的骄傲成员, a (National 税 Practice Institute) NTPI fellow since 2010, 也是Schuldiner Smollen领导学院(SSLA)的毕业生和现任讲师. 她令人印象深刻的简历包括2015年获得弗吉尼亚注册代理协会(VASEA)颁发的“年度EA”奖,并担任VASEA的前任主席. 泰也是NAEA的前董事和多样性的前主席, Equity and 包含(一些) Committee.

In recognition of her exceptional mentorship skills, Ty received the “Mentor of the Year” award from NAEA in 2022. 她撰写了几篇税务文章和两本电子书《黄金城电子娱乐网址》(tax -ish: Teens).0 and 税-ish: Teens 2.对于青少年或任何准备第一次报税的人来说,这是理想的选择. She is currently the Editor-in-Chief for NAEA’s EA journal. Ty’s expertise lies in military taxpayers and cryptocurrency, and she is currently a 税 Project Manager for Token 税 LLC, working remotely from Fort Worth, 德州.

Lonnie Gary, EA

Lonnie Gary is an Enrolled Agent from Mountain View, 加州, and specializes in federal and 状态 tax agency representation. Lonnie自1988年以来一直在专业准备纳税申报表,并于1992年通过了特殊入学考试. 他还被允许在黄金城电子娱乐网址税务法院以非律师身份执业.

Lonnie于2008年至2010年在黄金城电子娱乐网址国税局咨询委员会(IRSAC)任职,并于2009年担任专业责任办公室(OPR)小组主席. Lonnie has presented tax seminars to various business groups, 国税局论坛, and EA chapters and affiliates. 他还出现在“今日税务谈话”节目中,讨论职业道德和税法的变化.

Lonnie是NAEA的前任总裁(2014-2015),并曾担任多个委员会和工作组的主席,包括政府关系委员会. 他也是加州注册代理人协会(CSEA)的前任主席(2003-2004)和东湾注册代理人协会(EBAEA)的前任主席(1999-2000)。.


Conference/Meeting Space
Washington, DC 20005


Parking at NAEA办公室  

Daily Office Garage Parking Rates: 

Mon-Fri 早上7点到晚上7点  

的 daily rate is $10 for the first hour, $21 max, $35 for overnight. 

Additional daily garages are found nearby.  


NAEA将提供 a list of hotel options nearby with discounted rates for attendees to book. 额外的细节 未来 很快!  

Creating a safe, worry-free experience is our top priority.  

AEA正在准备2024年SSLA活动体验,以便所有在场的个人与会者, 演讲者, 工作人员, and venue personnel—remain safe and comfortable throughout the event. We are monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic and our venue partners.


我们正在推动采取措施,确保在所有进行面对面互动的环境中提供最佳的健康和卫生条件. Read NAEA’s 注意义务 Plan